Recognition from Leapfrog Is Significant. And Sharing Your News is Essential!

Delivering high quality and safe care is not easy. It takes a deliberate and valiant team effort, and the benefits to a community are maximized when an organization chooses to license their designated logo and share the good news of their designation.

Various photos of award displays

Leapfrog Designation Coverage in the Media

Recognition from Leapfrog is big news: an extraordinary award that provides deeply meaningful and exponential value to your community. Media outlets know this and regularly cover our designation announcements. Browse all news...

Why you should promote your award?

Patients and care providers alike are drawn to health organizations that prioritize patient safety. By accessing the Leapfrog logos for promotion, your facility will maximize the visibility of your trusted reputation in the community and enhance your ability to recruit and retain.


No-Cost Promotion

Without a license, your hospital or surgery center can:

  • Issue a press release without the use of any program logo. Download our free template.
  • Issue a plain-text internal announcement without the use of any program logo.

Please note, hospitals and surgery centers are not permitted to create their own version of Leapfrog’s logos and badges. A license is required to use the logos and badges in any format.


With a Paid License

When you license your designated logo, your hospital or surgery center can:

  • Promote and co-brand using Leapfrog’s logo. Use the iconic Leapfrog designated logo's to promote your award throughout your communications universe, including:

    • Websites, videos, press releases and social media
    • TV, radio and print advertisements
    • Billboards, signage, banners and balloons
    • Flyers, brochures, newsletters and email signatures

    See sample gallery.

  • Recognize employees. Salute your employees’ efforts through morale-building and open appreciation, increasing productivity and loyalty through efforts such as:
    • High-quality employee swag
    • Internal communications from top leadership that express appreciation
    • Staff celebration and recognition events
  • Leverage for recruitment. Tell prospective employees that you are actively engaged in keeping patients safe, which will attract healthcare professionals already aligned with your mission. Share your designation on:
    • Job listing websites
    • Social media recruitment campaigns
    • Printed collateral designed for job candidates

License Your Award Now